Tuesday, October 30, 2012

UFO descends into live volcano in Mexico

A UFO descended into a live volcano in Mexico, and the amazing event was caught on camera. According to an Oct. 27, 2012 report, this recent event took place over the Popocatepeti Volcano where a glowing, tubular unidentified flying object was seen slowing entering the mouth of the lava-spewing crater.

StephenHannardADGUK and Alien Disclosure Group called it " ... an incredible UFO event over the Popocatepeti Volcano in Mexico," and noted "The volcano has been a UFO hotspot for years with hundreds of sightings."

The UFO footage that shows the object enter the volcano even made the local news in Mexico. However, just because the video made the news doesn't automatically make everyone a believer.

Some comments on YouTube predictably suggest that the UFO video is a fake. However, other comments support the report of the unidentified flying object over the Popocatepeti Volcano and even offer additional details about the incident.

For example, one commenter provided dimensions of the object: "The estimated size of this object is 1Km by 200 meters or around 3,200 ft long, and 600 ft wide" while another added these helpful details: "There was a big explosion before it produced an ash plume rising 2 km and caused ash fall up to 7 cm thick."

YouTube Video - Incredible UFO Flies Into Volcano

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