Wednesday, June 6, 2012

First Test Flight for Military’s Mega-Drone

By Katie Drummond

Up, up, and very far away.

At least, that’s the U.S. military’s eventual goal for Phantom Eye — a ginormous, hydrogen-powered uber-drone. The vehicle, manufactured by Boeing and designed as a huge surveillance tool, performed its first test flight at NASA’s Dryden Flight Research Center last week, the company announced on Monday.

But Phantom Eye, which boasts a mammoth 150-foot wingspan, isn’t soaring to great heights just quite yet. During last week’s test, shown in the video above, the mega-drone reached an altitude of 4,080 feet and stayed airborne for a total of 28 minutes, reaching a cruising speed of 62 knots.
That’s a far cry from what the military wants the drone to eventually do. Phantom Eye is supposed to reach a maximum altitude of 65,000 feet and stay aloft for up to 96 hours — that is, four whole days — at speeds reaching 150 knots. That would make the flying spy the biggest and longest-loitering drone the United States has. (Don’t worry, it’s not armed.)

The Phantom Eye’s size means the drone can be loaded up with a whopping 450 lbs. of sensors and cameras — which will come in handy for toting the military’s forthcoming spy gear, like Gorgon Stare, designed to spy on “city-size” areas, or the Army’s ARGUS sensor, which collects the equivalent of 79.8 years of video footage each day. Combine that capacity with a lengthy loiter time, and you’ve got a high-flying spy system that can peek on entire cities for days at a time.

Phantom Eye’s flight debut was a small step forward for the ambitious drone, which Boeing first introduced in 2010. But the test wasn’t flawless — the giant spy machine sustained a broken landing gear upon touchdown. This isn’t the first time the mega-drone has encountered technical difficulty. Although Boeing initially planned to test-fly the Phantom Eye in 2011, that date was pushed back because of unspecified tech concerns.

Not to mention that, in 2010, the company aspired to an initial test flight of 8 hours. Last year, company officials told Danger Room that the Phantom Eye’s first flight had been scaled back to “maybe two to four hours.” Obviously, those goals are both far cries what Phantom Eye ended up accomplishing: 28 minutes in the air.

Of course, that’s what testing is for, and in any event, Phantom Eye is years away from actual military use. Still, it’s a little unclear what value a gigantic drone has, given that Congress is pushing the Air Force to deploy giant spy-blimps, which can lug even more spy gear while loitering for longer periods of time. But the blimps are technically complex and expensive, and the Air Force is getting cold feet about them.

Whether blimp-crazed politicians like it or not, Phantom Eye might turn out to be the military’s long-distance


A History of 'Real' Zombies

by Benjamin Radford

Zombies are all the rage these days -- on television, in movies, books and now in the news. Of course zombies aren’t new -- they were co-opted decades ago by pop culture, especially in George Romero’s 1968 classic zombie film Night of the Living Dead.

Or were they? Actually, notes Blake Smith, zombie aficionado and co-host of the monster-themed MonsterTalk podcast, “Though many people think of Night of the Living Dead as being all about zombies, Romero never called them zombies; he wanted them to be ghouls. The public called them zombies, so the name stuck.”

Though many people treat the current “zombie apocalypse” as a fun pop culture meme, it’s important to realize that some people believe zombies are very real. Haitian culture -- like many African cultures -- is heavily steeped in belief in magic and witchcraft. Belief in zombies is related to the Voodoo religion, and has been widespread throughout Haiti for decades. The existence of zombies is not questioned, though believers would not recognize the sensational, Hollywood brain-eating version that most Americans are familiar with.

Unlike today's malevolent movie zombies, the original Haitian zombies were not villains but victims. They are corpses who have been re-animated and controlled by magical means for some specific purpose (usually labor). Historically, fear of zombies was used as a method of political and social control in Haiti. Those people believed to have the magical power to zombify a person -- mainly witch doctors called bokors -- were widely feared and respected. Bokors were also believed to be in service of the Tonton Macoute, the brutal and much-feared secret police used by the oppressive Duvalier political regimes (1957-1984). Those who defied authorities were threatened with becoming the living dead—a concern not taken lightly.

In popular fiction there are several ways to destroy zombies (decapitations or gunshots to the head are popular), though according to Haitian folklore the goal is to release the person from his or her zombie state, not to outright kill the person. There are several ways to free a zombie; one is to feed the zombie salt; others say that if a zombie sees the ocean its mind will return and it will become self-aware and angry, trying to return to its grave.

So are zombies real? Many believe so, but evidence is scarce. There are a few supposed cases of real zombies, including a mentally ill man named Clairvius Narcisse, who in 1980 claimed that he had “died” in 1962, then become a zombie and forced to work as a slave on one of Haiti’s sugarcane plantations. He offered no evidence of his claims, and could not show investigators where he had supposedly worked for almost twenty years.

Scientific Evidence for Zombies?

Outside of Haiti (and a few other places where belief in Voodoo exists), zombies were widely assumed to be nothing more than a legendary boogeyman, not unlike werewolves and vampires. However this changed in the 1980s when Wade Davis, a Harvard ethnobotanist, claimed to have discovered a secret “zombie powder” while doing field work in Haiti. The main active ingredient was said to be a neurotoxin which could be used to poison victims into a zombie-like state.

Voodoo magic was an unlikely source of zombies—but could science and medicine explain them? Davis wrote several books on the topic, including The Serpent and the Rainbow, later made into a horror film by director Wes Craven. Though the book was a public success, many scientists were skeptical of Davis’s claims, suggesting that they were exaggerated and that the amounts of neurotoxin in the powder samples he found were inconsistent and not high enough to induce the zombifying effects. While in theory the zombie power might work under certain ideal conditions, in the real world it would be very difficult to create a zombie with it; too little of the toxin would have only temporary effects, and too much could easily kill its victim.

Pharmacological doubts aside, there are other reasons to doubt the claim that people had for decades been turned into zombie slave labor. For one thing, the very process that would turn people into zombies (assuming it didn’t kill them) would leave them brain-damaged, uncoordinated, and slow -- in other words, hardly ideal farm workers.

Furthermore, the economics of zombie-making don’t make sense: Haiti is the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere, with no shortage of very cheap labor to work farms and plantations. In a country where the average annual income is less than $2,000 there are plenty of able-bodied, non-zombified people willing to work for almost nothing. Unpaid zombie workers would still need to be clothed, housed, and fed, negating most of the potential profit from using them. And, of course, the sugar plantations allegedly filled with fields of zombies have never been found.

With the main reason for creating zombies pretty well debunked, the question remains -- even if Davis’s zombie powder is all he claims it is -- why anyone would bother to make a zombie in the first place. It would be a lot of time and effort to abduct someone, fake their death, get the toxins just right, revive them, and put them to work.

There are easier ways to give someone brain damage, and even if it worked there’s no guarantee that the person would be docile or compliant; it’s just as likely that they would be left in a vegetative state. While zombies are infesting television and film (and, some cases, news headlines), true zombies remain an unproven myth.

What if Yellowstone's supervolcano erupts?

An eruption from Yellowstone could create an ash cloud that would affect the entire world's atmosphere for a decade or more.

By Natalie Wolchover, Life's Little Mysteries

A rough estimate based on geologic records indicates there's a 1-in-10,000 chance of a "supereruption" at Yellowstone during our lifetimes. However, given the erratic nature of volcanoes, that number doesn't mean much. The bulging pocket of magma swishing around beneath Old Faithful might never blow its lid again. Or, it might put on a surprise fireworks show next Independence Day. Scientists just don't know.

But if or when it blows, what will actually happen? Will it be the end of us all, or just a big knock to the tourism industry in Wyoming?

Each of the three past supereruptions of the Yellowstone hotspot spewed more than 1,000 cubic kilometers of magma into the environment — the benchmark of a "supervolcano." According to Jacob Lowenstern, scientist-in-charge at the Yellowstone Volcano Observatory, that's a large enough eruption to cover much of North America in an ash blanket of varying thickness.
"The ash is thick (more than about 30 centimeters of ash) near the eruption source and a small fraction of a millimeter once you move 2,000 miles away. It's fair to say that a trace of ash would be found over most of the United States, though it would only be thick enough to collapse roofs in the states closest to Yellowstone," Lowenstern told Life's Little Mysteries.
With enough warning, the states near Yellowstone could be evacuated, which would largely avoid a tremendous loss of life caused by the downpour of ash, the scientists said. But that's just in the short term; the aftermath would be the rub. For several days, ash would hang in the air, making it difficult to breathe. And that blanket of ash covering the country would smother vegetation and pollute the water supply, quickly leading to a nationwide food crisis. "A lot of people would perish," said Stephen Self, director of the Volcano Dynamics Group at the Open University in the U.K. He envisions American refugees lining up at the Mexican border.
Perhaps foreign governments would come to our aid and embark on a major ash cleanup operation, but without such an effort, inhospitable conditions would persist in the midwestern U.S. for about a decade.
"The records show that [new] vegetation starts to take hold about 10 years after supereruptions. It depends on how much rainfall the area receives, as rainfall is the main way you clear ash off the land," Self said.
As for the rest of the world, it would face a few years of mild climate change caused by the supereruption's ash cloud, which would wrap around the globe, casting Earth in shadow for several days and altering the chemical composition of the atmosphere for a decade or so. However, recent research shows the global impacts of supervolcanoes are less severe than scientists once thought, and a Yellowstone supereruption might be especially unimposing because its magma contains minimal sulfur. Sulfur gas produces particles called aerosols, which can cool the climate by blocking sunlight.
"The huge volume of magma means there would still be some sulfur injected into the atmosphere, but work has shown that you reach a sort of limit in the amount of aerosols you can produce with sulfur gas. It means that our earlier suggestions that there would be a severe temperature change is not right," Self said.
Based on the new models, the scientists now think the vast majority of Earth's species would weather a Yellowstone supereruption just fine (except, of course, for those knocked out due to proximity of the initial blast). They don't see any evidence in the geologic record of mass extinctions coinciding with supereruptions, and they don't predict extinctions to result from such geologic events in the future.
"The last time Yellowstone erupted, no extinctions took place," said Michael Rampino, a biologist and geologist at New York University. "Supereruptions are not extinction-level events," he said, but added that they can obviously cause problems for civilization.
These are scientists' best guesses, but they probably won't be around to check their answers.
Yellowstone's last full-scale outburst occurred 640,000 years ago, and the ones before that occurred 1.3 million and 2.1 million years ago — but each of these events was a tad smaller than the one before it. This geologic hotspot could be growing cold. Or it might have one last hurrah.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

‘Thunder’ will fall on Israel if it attacks Iran: Ayatollah Ali Khamenei

By Farhad Pouladi / AFP

TEHRAN — Any attack by Israel on Iran will blow back on the Jewish state “like thunder,” Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, said on Sunday.

Khamenei also said that the international community’s suspicion that Iran was seeking nuclear weapons is based on a “lie” and he insisted that sanctions imposed on his country were ineffective and only strengthened its resolve.

His speech, broadcast on state television to mark the 1989 death of his predecessor and founder of the Islamic republic, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, contained no sign Iran was prepared to make any concessions on its disputed nuclear program.

Instead, it was infused with defiance and Khamenei’s customary contempt for Iran’s arch-foes Israel and the United States.

If the Israelis “make any misstep or wrong action, it will fall on their heads like thunder,” Khamenei said.

The Jewish state, he added, was feeling “vulnerable” and “terrified” after losing deposed Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak as an ally.

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton told reporters in Stockholm the threats against Israel were “nothing new,” insisting she would judge Tehran by its actions at upcoming nuclear talks in Russia.
“We look forward to what the Iranians actually bring to the table in Moscow,” she said.

“We want to see a diplomatic resolution. We now have an opportunity to achieve it, and we hope it is an opportunity that’s not lost, for everyone’s sake,” she said.

Allegations that Iran was trying to develop atomic bombs were false, Khamenei said on Sunday.

“International political circles and media talk about the danger of a nuclear Iran, that a nuclear Iran is dangerous. I say that they lie. They are deceiving,” Khamenei said.

“What they are afraid of — and should be afraid of — is not a nuclear but an Islamic Iran.”

He added: “They invoke the term ‘nuclear weapons’ based on a lie. They magnify and highlight the issue in their propaganda based on a lie. Their goal is to divert minds and public opinion from the (economic) events that are happening in the US and Europe.”

Western economic sanctions imposed to pressure Iran to curb its nuclear program were having no effect, Khamenei insisted. Their only impact, he said, was “deepening hatred and animosity of the West in the hearts of the Iranian people.”

Khamenei called the stance by the United States and its Western allies “crazy.”

“The Iranian people have proved they can progress without the United States, and while being an enemy of the United States,” he said.

Western nations, the United States at the fore, accuse Iran of wanting to develop the capability to make nuclear weapons, something Khamenei has repeatedly denied. The supreme leader has called atomic arms “a great sin.”

Talks between the Islamic republic and the so-called P5+1 group of nations — the United States, Britain, France, Russia, China, plus Germany — were revived this year and are to go to a crucial next round in Moscow on June 18-19.

But the United States and its ally Israel — the sole, if undeclared, nuclear weapons state in the Middle East — have threatened military strikes on Iranian nuclear facilities if diplomacy fails.

Khamenei’s speech was being closely watched by P5+1 officials for signs of what positions the Iranian delegation might take into the Moscow negotiations. The supreme leader has the final word on any decision on Iran’s nuclear activities.

At one point in his speech, Khamenei declared it “forbidden to stop on the path to progress, in the political sphere and in the sphere of science and technology.”

That carried the implication that Iran had no intention on scaling back its nuclear development.

Celebrate Israel Parade Allows Openly LGBT Marchers for First Time

 By Jess Wisloski, Paul Lomax

UPPER EAST SIDE — Blue and white flags of Israel waved in the air alongside the rainbow flags that symbolize gay pride for the first time in the history of the Celebrate Israel Parade Sunday.

A crowd that was estimated to be 35,000 turned out for, and marched along, Fifth Avenue starting at East 57th Street in Lenox Hill and ending at East 75th Street.

And, for the first time ever, organizers embraced expressions of faith and identity, new and old, by allowing members of gay Jewish organizations to march openly.

"Today for the first time in a long time, we really truly felt like part of the Jewish community," said Mordechai Levovitz, co-executive director of Jewish Queer Youth, which organized 135 marchers.

"It was big first for the LGBT community," he added.

His was the Jewish group to use the word 'gay' on T-shirts and banners, and he said the enthusiasm and turnout among the GLBTQ community was greater than even he expected.

"We had 135 people in our group," he said. "That's amazing. I had 60 T-shirts, and I didn't think I'd be able to give out even that many."

He said the struggle for acceptance and recognition within the parade, which organizers call largest public celebration of Israel in the world, began in 1993.

At that time, The LGBT Synagogue, or Congregation Beit Simchat Torah, was kicked out of the parade after registering, when some schools said they would boycott if the group marched openly, he said.

Since 2000, the same congregation, based at 57 Bethune St., was invited to march with other synagogues, but only if they didn't display the word 'gay' on banners, said Levovitz.

"That's like closeting people," he said. "That wasn't satisfying and that wasn't a way to represent Israel. For the first time ever, gay and lesbian people were able to march under a gay and lesbian banner," he said.

Marchers in the JQY group came from the Manhattan JCC, A Wider Bridge, which connects LGBTQ people through trips to Israel, and Congregation Beit Simchat Torah Synagogue.

"It was amazing, it was so much fun. We're on such a high from it," said Levovitz. "The crowd was overwhelmingly supportive."

The parade's theme in its 64th year was "Israel Branching Out."

The parade honored the Jewish state, and thousands of people lined up along the length of the parade's route to take in the decorative floats, cultural performances, bands, and even colorful clowns.

Summer weather bathed the Upper East Side onlookers, and elected officials, including Mayor Michael Bloomberg, Governor of New York Andrew Cuomo, Senator Chuck Schumer, Council Speaker Christine Quinn and NYPD Commissioner Ray Kelly all waved as they passed by.

Issac Imir, 60, from Great Neck, Long Island enjoyed a great viewing spot on East 60th Street. "It's a beautiful day and the parade is just wonderful," he said. "I'll be here again next year like I was last year."