Showing posts with label Gerald Celente. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gerald Celente. Show all posts

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Economic Collapse-American Riots Will Be The Worst In The World

People, The Great Culling has begun in earnest. Almost as if on cue & on schedule we've endured so many true crisis situations & corruption, mass animal die offs spanning all species, earthquakes, Tsunamis, Tornadoes on Steroids - so much human misery & Death, toxic spraying on a global scale, HAARP, GWEN towers, ELF waves (Silent sound Spectrum - the equivalent of being violated anonymously) tainted vaccines - on & on, so much so that we are hardly phased anymore. Time = NOW

The world population has reached At the moment 2000 million live in absolute misery. Another 2000 million have difficulty meeting the ends. 2000 million have got involved in a "rat race" to just surviving. Under 1000 million of the actual world population have a decent good quality standard of living. The Bilderberg plan (if it is true) is a very good idea; specially the one world government/religion which will end the useless economical, political and relgious conflicts.

WATCH VIDEO - Economic Collapse-American Riots Will Be The Worst In The World

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Buy Gold & Silver Recommends Gerald Celente

Gerald Celente cannot give financial advices but he is telling you what he is doing personally , he is putting his money into the only safe heaven out there and that is Gold and Silver .He is also recommending to boycott these coming elections instead of voting for the lesser of two evils as usual . All politicians are one and the same. Vote for any, you get the same. Jamie Diamond has his cufflinks. We OWN you all. Gerald is so wise an in tune with reality. He is the hero of reason. His knowledge will set us free. Free of the fear the elites need to feed off. Where is the mafia? Um, lizards killed him. Save the truth. Save Julian of Wikileaks. Save the internet. Save yourself from the fear Washington offers Julian. TORTURE for telling truths? Who ruses us? None to choose from .Gerald gave you a high complement. With his knowing, he doesn't honor many. We should play by their rules. When they manipulate metal to lows, buy. Buy and don't sell out. They may crash metals, yet when their paper eft etc can't play off to the owners, It isn't there. All the 1% will fall. It is global. Fearlessness that will bring the "elites to their knees. To have and hold...the poor mans salvation, SILVER.. Buy low and HOLD on.