Showing posts with label Nigel Farage. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nigel Farage. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Nigel Farage - They Will Collapse The System & Enslave People

Today MEP (Member European Parliament) Nigel Farage spoke with King World News about what he described as the possibility of, “a really dramatic banking collapse.”  Farage also warned that central planners want to enslave and imprison people inside of a ‘New Order,’ and he described the situation as “horrifying.”

Farage also discussed gold, but first, here is what he had to say about the ongoing financial crisis:  “Governments don’t have the courage to tell the people that we cannot afford to go on living the way that we are.  We’ve really failed very badly in having honest politics, so we have this gross and very grave debt problem.”

“Now everyone has decided, the Bank of England, the Fed, and the European Central Bank, who are utterly brilliant people that have led us to the mess we are in, they’ve all decided that the solution is quantitative easing.  The solution is to go on printing and creating false money in an attempt to buy our way out of the (ongoing) crisis.

My take on that, my historical perspective is that all we are really doing is actually compounding the problem....

“It means that at some point in the future, it may be three years, it may be five years, but at some point in time we are going to get (massive) inflation.  If you devalue money, if you increase the money supply, that is what happens (massive inflation).  We know history has told us this again and again.

It isn’t the euro that scares me anymore.  What scares me is the sheer level of indebtedness, and the fact that so many of our banks in the Western world are just in such serious trouble that we could face a situation where even if governments wanted to bail them out, the problem may become bigger than them.

So I do not discount, at some point, a really dramatic banking collapse.”

Farage had this to say about discussions in Europe where they are looking to cap the interest rates on the debt of both Italy and Spain:  “On a financial level it’s comical because it’s the same money that swirls around the system, which we know in the end doesn’t work.

But the sinister aspect of it is that the intention of men like (Italian Prime Minister) Mario Monti, and my old friend Mr. van Rompuy, is they actually want to enslave and imprison the peoples of these countries inside their ‘New European Order.’ 

And it’s horrifying because ultimately what it means is that people are going to reject and rebel against this.  They will rebel against it with violence, and they will rebel against it with political extremism.” 

Farage had this to say regarding gold: “Short-term, over the next few weeks, I have no idea what the gold price will do.  We are at a period here of incredibly high risk.  We face huge problems with the West’s indebtedness and a very fragile banking system.

I can only repeat that any sensible investor will have a decent percentage of their portfolio invested in gold.  And if things really do go as badly as I think they could, then the gold price could well shock people in terms of how high it goes.”

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Nigel Farage - Europe is Collapsing, Buy Gold & Expect QE

On the heels of Fed Chairman Bernanke’s comments, Spain being downgraded and key meetings taking place in Europe, today King World News interviewed MEP (Member European Parliament) Nigel Farage, to get his take on the ongoing crisis.  Farage told KWN that “when I look into the eyes of the leaders of Europe ... what I’m seeing now is madness, absolute, total and utter madness.” 

Farage also discussed the action in the gold market, but first, here is what Farage had to say about the deteriorating situation in Europe:  “Of course, over the last couple of years we’ve had two bailouts of Greece, a bailout of Ireland, Portugal.  We’re now on the verge of needing a bailout in Cyprus, but perhaps more significantly, a bailout in Spain.”
“There is all sorts of twisting and turning going on with the Spanish saying, ‘Please save our banks, but don’t put us under the austerity measures that you’ve put the other countries under.’

If one looks globally, we’ve got people like David Cameron, and importantly, President Obama, who are basically saying, ‘The euro project must be saved.  It must be saved at all costs.’ ....

“For that to happen the Eurozone has to turn into a state, and a state that effectively has a Fed.

The Germans are saying, “Hang on guys, we don’t really want to take on the debt for the whole of ‘Club Mediterranean’ countries.”  There’s been a meeting in Berlin today, and Angela Merkel has, for the first time, said that she’s prepared to countenance this becoming a full fiscal and political union, but it has to be constructed on German terms.

So it would appear that despite the fact that the eurozone is a disaster, despite the fact that nobody is prepared to recognize just what a mess our banks are in, despite all of this, our political classes in Europe and America are prepared to continue this project of total failure. 

If we continue with this route, we are heading for money printing on a scale that has never been seen before in the history of mankind.  Clearly, as history teaches us, that will lead to massive inflation, and huge asset depreciation.”

Farage also added:  “All I can tell you is when I look into the eyes of the leaders of Europe, and as a leader of a group in the European Parliament I do get eyeball to eyeball with them, when I look into the eyes of these people, frankly what I’m seeing now is madness, absolute, total and utter madness.

The project, the idea is what must be protected and to hell with the consequences.  I really believe that when we look back in decades or centuries to come, we will see what is happening now in the eurozone as something of huge historical significance.

People will say to themselves in classrooms, in a couple of hundred years time, ‘How could they have been so stupid?’”

Farage also had this to say regarding gold:  “I think we are at that level where people who have waited to add to their gold portfolios should be adding now.  You may well get a situation where if they do pull off some grand deal that gold falls ... but we are now back in the buying zone for gold.

I always felt, and I’ve said for some months on your show, that I thought gold would come back (down), and indeed it has.  I think investors that are scared of what may happen to paper money, you’d have to be very complacent not to be, we are in a buying territory for gold now in my view.”

This is an incredibly important and timely interview with Farage. The KWN interview with Nigel Farage will be available shortly and you can listen to it by CLICKING HERE.