Showing posts with label socialism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label socialism. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Turk - Frightening Situation, The World Is On A Knife’s Edge

With continued volatility in global markets, today King World News interviewed James Turk out of Europe. Turk told KWN, “The world is on a knife’s edge.”  He also stated, “Monetary history shows that currencies under political control are always destroyed -- always.  And the dire result is economic chaos.”  Here is what Turk had to say about what he termed the, “frightening situation”:  “Europe had its big meeting last week, and one conclusion is clear, Eric, Europe still has to learn that bailouts are not a solution.  When a government or a bank, or any borrower for that matter, has too much debt -- more debt than they can handle -- adding more debt just worsens the problem.  This ultimately has the effect of making the inevitable bust that much more difficult when it eventually arrives.”

“There are other serious problems here as well.  For example, there are several countries in Europe, of which Germany is the largest, that want to pursue a monetary policy in which the euro maintains its purchasing power.  They want to make sure the currency is not debased by inflation or other bad monetary steps, such as the ECB purchasing debt/bonds of countries, to enable those countries to fund their operating expenses.

In other words, this group of countries wants the euro to be managed like the deutsche mark was managed, which, after all, is what the rules of the eurozone provide.  But these rules are being broken left and right, with the result being that the euro is just like all of the other fiat currencies around the world -- completely at the mercy of politicians, and that is a frightening situation....

“Monetary history shows that currencies under political control are always destroyed -- always.  And the dire result is economic chaos, which is then followed by political chaos and the opportunity for a demagogue to rise to power by promising order.  Given its history, is it any wonder that thinking Europeans do not want to go down that path?

But it is clear that the central planners are now in charge in Europe, Eric. It is a dangerous road for Europe to take.  I keep going back to one of my favorite Margaret Thatcher quotes:  ‘The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money.’  Europe ran out of money long ago.  Sadly, this reality is still being ignored in Europe, and for that matter, in every socialist country, which today is just about everywhere in the world.”

Turk also added: “The precious metal markets feel just like the summer of 2010.  In fact, this weekend I spent some time going through the KWN archives and listening to my interviews from that time period (2010).  It was eery, because just about everything I was saying back then also applies to our present situation, particularly sentiment being at rock bottom.

We had big rallies in both gold and silver starting in the summer of 2010.  These are the rallies that took gold over $1900 and silver to $50.  Last week's big move should mean that massive rallies are starting again, and because the banking and economic situation is so much worse today, on this new rally, gold and silver are going to break their old highs.

The world is on a knife’s edge, Eric.  The geopolitical situation is worrying.  Economic activity around the world is rapidly deteriorating, and this is having the effect of putting more and more people out of work.  It is noteworthy that the eurozone jobless rate, in May, hit a record-high of 11.1%.  If we then factor bank runs into this toxic brew, the opportunity for the fear event I have been worrying about seems all the more likely.

As that fear event begins to manifest itself, physical gold and silver will be your best safe-haven.  It is extremely important that KWN readers, around the world, position themselves into the metals ahead of the coming chaos.”